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जय महेश! 
माहेश्वरी इंटरनेशनल मैरिज ब्यूरो 
(अंतर्गत- श्री माहेश्वरी समाज जयपुर) द्वारा 
22 दिसम्बर 2024, रविवार 
दोपहर 12 बजे से 
समाज कार्यालय परिसर में 
एक दिवसीय परिचय सम्मेलन आयोजित किया जा रहा है, जो आप सभी के सहयोग से सफल होगा | 
आप सभी से निवेदन है कि :- 
लिंक पर ज्यादा से ज्यादा पंजीयन कराएँ और प्रत्याशी/अभिभावकों को परिचय सम्मेलन में आने के लिए प्रेरित करें. धन्यवाद ! 🙏

Matrimonial Meet (Parichay Sammelan) Advantages and Benefits:

  1. Provide a comfortable and congenial atmosphere to meet and interact.
  2. Provide an opportunity for interaction between the families.
  3. Reduce the pressure & mental stress on the candidates from within the family & relations
  4. An easy way to communicate and further follow up.
  5. Gives an opportunity for Boys/Girls to speak their minds, which is not feasible in the traditional manner of family meetings.
  6. Create bonding and trust.
  7. Assess & judge the mutual compatibility factor in a more systematic manner.
  8. To make young men & women own the responsibility of choosing their life partner by themselves.

Further, the benefits of taking this meeting online through Zoom or Google Meet have the following advantages.

  1. Leveraging technology by utilizing the wide database
  2. Provide a comprehensive database of all the candidates for information on families
  3. Reduce expenditure and save valuable time

In the present time's longevity of relationships has become significant and to ensure a strong and lifelong relationship there must be compatibility, the similarity of thoughts, and like-mindedness between the boy and girl. The candidates can only judge these factors themselves. Parents mostly give significance and attention to factors like family background, financial status, education and social goodwill, etc. 

Candidates from across the world can interact with each other, exchange thoughts and views, and also spend time with each other to know each other better. Through Zoom one-to-one meeting room they can easily lead the discussion on the next step.

It’s an activity-based meeting, where MIMB Team ask different questions during the meeting and make it interactive in the best way possible, to help the candidates understand and know each other’s likes, dislikes, qualities, future plans, aspirations, talents and outlook toward life in a better way.

Watch 20 August 2023, रविवार आनलाइन परिचय सम्मेलन on 


Watch 14 May 2023, रविवार आनलाइन परिचय सम्मेलन on 


Watch 30 अप्रैल 2023, रविवार आनलाइन परिचय सम्मेलन on youtube

Watch 16 अप्रैल 2023, रविवार को विशिष्ट वर्ग के लिए आनलाइन परिचय सम्मेलन on youtube

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